Distributed Systems and Cloud/Edge Computing for the Internet of Things

Course summary

The practical part of the Distributed Systems and Cloud/Edge Computing for the Internet of Things course is aimed at discussing the main concepts behind Edge and Fog computing in relation to Cloud and Internet of Things architectures, with a special focus on the main tools and frameworks for modeling, simulating and implementing large-scale context-aware applications.

Course program

  1. Introduction to Edge/Fog computing
    • Main reasons behind the use of Edge computing
    • Main use cases and characteristics
    • Differences and integration with Cloud computing
  2. Open-source simulation tools
    • Overview of the main modeling and simulation tools
    • Focus on iFogSim: architecture and use cases
    • Modeling and simulation of some basic applications
  3. Open-source projects for developing IoT applications
    • Creating open and interoperable applications with Eclipse4IoT
    • Constrained device-level applications
    • Gateway-level applications
    • IoT cloud platforms


  • [27/09/2020] The course page is online!
  • [11/10/2020] The course will be delivered online using the Microsoft Teams platform channel “Lectures by Ing. Riccardo Cantini
  • [10/10/2021] The course will be delivered online using the Microsoft Teams platform channel “Lectures by Ing. Riccardo Cantini”. You can find slides, additional lectures, code snippets and other didactic material in the File section of the channel.