Riccardo Cantini

Riccardo Cantini

Assistant Professor (RTDA)

DIMES, University of Calabria

Short Bio

Riccardo Cantini is an assistant professor (RTDA) at the Department of Computer Science, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES), University of Calabria. He graduated magna cum laude in Computer Engineering in 2019, and obtained his European Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies in 2023. In 2018 he joined the Scalable Computing and Cloud Laboratory (SCALab), and between 2021 and 2022 he worked as visiting researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS).
His research interests include social media and Big Data analysis, opinion mining, Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models, and sustainable AI.


  • Ph.D. Europaeus in Information and Communication Technologies, 2023

    University of Calabria

  • M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, 2019

    University of Calabria

  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, 2016

    University of Calabria

Recent Publications

Are Large Language Models Really Bias-Free? Jailbreak Prompts for Assessing Adversarial Robustness to Bias Elicitation

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized artificial intelligence, demonstrating remarkable computational power and linguistic capabilities. However, these models are …
Are Large Language Models Really Bias-Free? Jailbreak Prompts for Assessing Adversarial Robustness to Bias Elicitation

Multi-dimensional Classification on Social Media Data for Detailed Reporting with Large Language Models

Every day, more and more people harness the power of social media platforms to express their thoughts, share information and personal experiences, and engage with others. All this …
Multi-dimensional Classification on Social Media Data for Detailed Reporting with Large Language Models

XAI-driven Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models for Efficient Deployment on Low-Resource Devices

Large Language Models (LLMs) are characterized by their inherent memory inefficiency and compute-intensive nature, making them impractical to run on low-resource devices and …
XAI-driven Knowledge Distillation of Large Language Models for Efficient Deployment on Low-Resource Devices



Programming Big Data Applications
Scalable Tools and Frameworks for Your Needs


  • riccardo.cantini@unical.it
  • Cubo 41C, 5th floor, via P. Bucci, Rende (CS), Calabria 87036
  • Office hours: send an email or contact me via Microsoft Teams to request a meeting